if pictures could sing...

...i would be happier because i'd know what musical stalactites might actually sounds like...
Labels: music, RPPC, strange musical instruments
things related to sound, visual art, architecture, modernism, music, design, fluxus, 78's, literature, film, ephemera, and much more ...basically a space to share "the collection", much of which serves as inspiration for my work...
...i would be happier because i'd know what musical stalactites might actually sounds like...
Labels: music, RPPC, strange musical instruments
Maybe it is time for a road trip to Missouri?
This might just be my favorite RPPC...stalactites, music, and a "fairy cave." I seem to remember hearing a recording of either musical stalactites or music being played in a cave surrounded by stalactites...I'll try to find it again...
yeah, there's a recording of a stalactite organ that's findable online. i have a 7" here somewhere, if i was more organized i'd have run the two together, but it still isn't the sound of them being hit with little mallets... that's what i really want to hear!!!! since i'm cleaning out a lot of 7"s i'm pretty sure i'll come across it in the next few weeks, so perhaps it wil live here too!
You're thinking of the Great Stalacpipe Organ in the Luray Caverns in Virginia as played by Monte Maxwell. They ARE actually hit by little mallets, except they're mechanized and synced up to a keyboard. They've released a whole CD (which I think is an expansion of the 7 inch) and it's available in the gift shop of the Center for Land Use Interpretation in Culver City (and possibly from their website www.clui.org). Here's a sample track, my favorite -- Beautiful Dreamer.
ok, now i really have to dig out the 7"... that track is INSANE. i didn't remember it being quite so wonderful. i think we even included something on this in the site of sound book... one more thing i have to dig out...
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