saturday night i will be presenting a newly commissioned film work entitled "coast lines" for a one night event on the santa monica beach called "glow".
for those of you who don't remember my last "glow" experience, i was supposed perform at sunrise but the site of my performance space was shut down by a slew of cops because of the activities of some drunken hooligans. the nice side to that story is that the curator invited me back two years later to do one of the larger installation commissions this year, and i'm quite excited about the piece.
"coast lines" consists of two projections and a wooden screen structure, facing the ocean and installed on the sand. the film was made by tracing maps of the pacific ocean coastline from the uppermost point of alaska to the lowest point in south america. like most of my hand drawn films, the piece runs in both positive and negative image treatments, and because the upper pacific ocean coast is shorter than the southern, the films loop at different lengths, creating ever shifting relationships. because of the amount of noise coming from the pier as well as other installations, i decided to have the projected work silent, allowing the natural sound - ocean, and the human sounds to become its soundtrack.
for those who are local, glow takes place on saturday september 25 from 8 pm until 3 am. it is located in various places on the santa monica beach adjacent to the santa monica pier. my own piece is just north of the pier on the sand.
the event is free and features 20 or so artist installations...
Labels: glow, roden works
times like this i wish i lived in santa monica - my partner is currently in close and yet so far...i would've got her to go - she would love it. all the best with your work - may there be a distinct absence of drunken hooligans.
hoping to see you there!
Fantastic images. great bright colours, i am sure they will look fantastic projected, and will certainly glow
any chance to see a glimse of it in a short video?
seems to me we share more then two favorite pieces of music.
there is something i can not define in your art that clinch and ecos in me, deeply :)
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