one more new thing... (well, not really a thing, but you can still hear it even though you can't hold it)

dear friends,
10 years ago i released a CD on line called "forms of paper". it was the first composition i had ever created in collaboration with a computer. the piece was originally created as an installation - built from the sounds of handling book pages. the original 8 channel installation was then mixed to stereo for CD release.
while the disc was very well received by reviewers and sold out rather quickly, my inadequate skills with the computer left me quite unhappy with overall sound of the release. several months later, while discussing some of this unhappiness with bernhard gunter, he offered to re-master the piece with the warmth that i missed, and he gave the piece a healthy dose of presence, which it was most definitely lacking. while i was elated with bernhard's mastering at the time, there wasn't really a reason to re-release the disc so soon, and so bernhard's re-master was simply stored in my archive (i.e. desk drawer) for 10 years...
now, on the 10 year anniversary of its initial release, line has invited me to release bernhard's re-master of forms of paper as a high quality download, and i am quite excited to finally have the piece go out into the world wearing its fancy clothes!
along with the release of the remastered music, i have written a nice long text on the history of the piece, as well as its relationship to the beginnings of the lowercase scene - all of which was were beautiful designed into a pdf by line's head honcho, richard chartier.
take a peek here for details!
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