if you want a piece of my work and help a non-profit... you've come to the right place

this year i was invited by side street projects to create a print for their annual phantom ball.
it is a phantom ball, because there is no event, just a print edition by an invited artist.
while i am supposed to simply create a print, i am really happy to be working with maggie white on a group of two color silkscreen prints and i will also be doing a fair amount of hand work (pencil, crayons, collage, etc.) so that each print is actually a unique work. having finished the silkscreen designs i can say these are going to be really NICE.
How does it work?Supporters of Side Street Projects are invited to purchase the print beginning April 1st, at $175 each, and in return, will receive a souvenir print from a well-known contemporary artist. To be clear, the Phantom Ball, well, never happens. In lieu of attending, each patron of the ball receives a signed, limited-edition print created exclusively for the Phantom Ball in an edition of 150. This year, the Phantom Ball will feature a print edition by Los Angeles-based artist Steve Roden. The image remains a secret until June 1st. Once we reveal the image, the “ticket price” doubles to $350. Steve is doing something extra special this year so prints will not ship until the end of June.
All proceeds benefit Side Street Projects’ programs in mobile youth education and artist services.
if you are interested - please contact side street projects
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