even daylight's dark as night...

photo: anonymous
music: the lonliest gal in town by goldie hill
even darklight's day as night,
even daylight, dark as nights,
even nightlights, day as dark...
things related to sound, visual art, architecture, modernism, music, design, fluxus, 78's, literature, film, ephemera, and much more ...basically a space to share "the collection", much of which serves as inspiration for my work...
photo: anonymous
music: the lonliest gal in town by goldie hill
even darklight's day as night,
even daylight, dark as nights,
even nightlights, day as dark...
you'll probably hate me for this, but i think she may have been singing a song of her youth. familiar? http://korkos.club.fr/wyeth-02grand.jpg
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