big metal cloud of train sound...

a home made early radio sound effect disc made by buddy kling. note the hand written label: "sound effect riding on train". you can hear a whistle at times but the rest sounds a lot like a hugely distorted dust storm coming from a giant cloud made of metal.
speaking of large colored clouds, i'm taking the train down to san diego today to see a morris louis show. the paintings should be a lot quieter than this.
the train here is a cluster of droning majestic confrontational transcendence, like henry flynt in a metallic dream house.
with trains, i can't help but think of the films of ozu, and this sounds like one of his early films that hasn't been restored.
take a listen and have a pleasant journey.
Labels: buddy king, listen, sound effects, train
This is such a wonderful recording! I’m also reminded of Ozu when I hear/see trains. But this recording also kind of reminds me of Renoir’s La Bete Humaine…perhaps because Gabin was *really* driving that train in the film, and all those train scenes are like these rowdy, wind-driven field recordings; at least that’s how I’m remembering it…
yeah, this is pretty "dirty" sounding for ozu, a little too much grit. i'll have to dig out the renoir, gabin is at the top of my list (we watched 4 or 5 of his films a few weeks ago...) and i saw that so long ago i'm ripe for rediscovering it.
wow, that is lovely.
a train made out of wind gusts and river tides...
i thought you wrote wind guts...! i'm sure we share a love of machines that sound like nature!
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