
once in a rare while, a record will actually live up to the promise of an incredible cover; and this strange little 7" from 1958, contains sounds that are certainly as wonderful as the little painting by jouineau bourduge that adorns its sleeve. the vinyl features the voice of jacques doyen, reading poems by cocteau, poe, villon, and lorca... but the special thing is that the tracks also feature the percussive and resonant sounds of jacques lasry and the lasry-baschet instruments.
each track has a relatively different approach to soundscape and instrumentation. my favorite is the haunting sounds that accompany a reading of lorca's erotic poem"la femme infidele", written in 1937. the melodies resemble a bowed steel drum, somewhat relentless as well as feeling, at times, like little glowing fireflies. the treatment of cocteau's early poem "batterie" is much more percussive, aggressive, and almost carnival like. its 4 minutes of rhythmic tension is slightly trance inducing (particularly if one doesn't speak french). the thing that is so nice about these tracks is that the music is the underbelly so it has little narrative trajectory and remains more of an atmosphere, i only wish there were wordless dub versions on the other side, because i'd love to hear this stuff without doyen's voice...
jacques lasry and the lasry baschet instruments were used on a slew of records; but all i could find on jacques doyen was that he worked on an LP of spoken word experimental music with jac berrocal in the mid 1980's.
click here to listen to "la femme infidele".
click here to listen to "batterie".
Labels: avant garde music, cocteau, concrete poetry, jacques doyen, jouineau bourduge, lasry baschet, listen, lorca, strange musical instruments, villon
the music at the "la femme infidele" reminded me very much of the experimental music of "the mother" a very interesting figure that lived in Pondichery, India, and made music that sounded, i thought back then, like nothing i've heard before - like coming from the void fro the begining of time....i'll try to find for you some thing of hers
try here:
wow...! i didn't know anything about that music, the earlier recordings are absolutely amazing, beautiful, and human! they remind me a bit of gurdjieff's harmonium recordings... if you haven't heard them you would probably love them:
you should email me your postal address, i think i should send you some of my own cds.
I've read gurdjieff's book, and almost each time i read it, i tend to meet special humans along the road of life...yet, i never heard his music. i'm just about going to work this morning i'll try to listen to his music later on today.
and sure i'm going to send you my address, i love presents :)
Hell'o friends!
i've searching for this for almost twentyyears could you upload the very full 7' would be grateful from from !!
hail from france
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