Friday, June 19, 2009

addendum to what is seen and heard: (one more window)

i go indoors and shut the window
they bring the lamp and say good night.
and my voice, content, says goodnight.
oh, that my life were like this always:
the day full of sun, or gentle with rain,
or in fury raging, as if the World would end,
a soft afternoon with clusters of people going by,
looked at with interest from the window,
the last friendly gaze turned to the repose of the trees,
and then, the window closed, the lamp lit,
without reading a word, without thinking a thought or sleeping,
feeling life flow through me like a river in its bed,
and there, outside, a vast silence like a god asleep.

fernando pessoa, the keeper of sheep

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Blogger ArtSparker said...

Makes me think of Stevens' Of Bright & Blue Birds and the Gala Sun...thetimes when those of us inclined to think too much become part of the flow.

8:35 PM  

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