live free music...

two FREE music events in the los angeles area this weekend...
friday, october 2, 7:30 - 11:00pm, domizil & icst zurich, at LACE, 6522 hollywood blvd., evening of live sound performances & video projections including a gaggle of swiss artists and a few locals: marcus maeder, bernd schurer, jasch, mem1, and myself. i will perform an improvised work based mostly on the sound of a small "voice-o-graph" record from the 1940's...
saturday, october 3, 5pm - 10 pm, soundwalk, 60+ artists working with sound in various forms of performance and installation, at various locations downtown long beach, ca - FREE - located in the area encompassed by broadway, atlantic avenue, ocean boulevard, and elm street with a sound corridor on 1st street that will connect the east village and pine avenue. i will be presenting a small installation related to rimbaud's vowels in memory of terry fox...
Labels: photographs of band stands, roden installation, roden performance
We have experimental music in the julia Morgan Columbarium during the summer solstice, with different performers scattered throughout. An odd justaposition.
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