when a filmmaker's dreams are like poems...

"i am running down a street.
i am wearing a silvered business suit.
it is not i.
the figure is stopped mid-stride, one arm flung out.
the street vanishes.
the word 'title' is flung at me off five white gloved fingers backed by a vague clown face.
something of dead leaves... a rustling.
a waiting - expectancy.
a sea-scape.
large people with smashed faces bending over.
a paw print - one toe bent in cashew curl... so that it reminds me of a flower petal.
a quarter-turn clockwise of multicolored basket shapes merry-go-rounding - reds, blues, yellows, and more distant blurs of other shades. dusty-yellowed browns for ground, and a pale blue clouded sky. a very few still silhouettes of people shape."
some of stan brakhages 1975 dreams as remembered upon waking, from "i....sleeping (being a dream journal and parenthetical explication)", published 1988 by island cinema resources. image: brakhage's anticipation of the night, 1958.
Labels: brakhage, dreams, filmmakers, visual music
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