an audio kinetic environment...

nice recording from a '67 issue of canadian art magazine featuring a short interview with artist zbigniew blazeje, and an excerpt from his "audio kinetic environment" that was featured in the canadian pavilion at expo 67(the building above that looks like an upside down pyramid).
it's too bad the "interview" isn't longer, as i would've liked to hear more of his ideas (although the sounds are pretty nice as well). just 9 years after corbusier, varese, and xenakis's philip's pavilion, it seems the hybrid of electronic music and architectural space had blossomed into a relatively commonplace practice - particularly in the context of spectacle in expos and world's fairs.
zbigniew's ideas regarding immersion and the creation of sound as space, seemed to be hovering in the minds of a lot of composers in the late 1960's; when electronic music and music concrete composers began to think about sound more like sculpture. there are precedents of course (many of them); but during the late sixties it seems that the exploration of sound in space, as well as sound as space was becoming a serious path of pursuit for a number of composers moving away from concerts and towards what would eventually be called "sound installation"...
click here to listen.
Labels: audio kinetic environments, expo 67, listen, sound and architecture, zbigniew blazeje
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